Friday, March 29, 2013

Almost normal

I like Fridays and no exception in Masalli. I look forward to sleeping in on Saturday. I didn't think it would be hard to get used to getting up at 7AM, but it is. I usually put on a robe and walk down the steps, out the front door and across the yard to the haman (2 tiled rooms - one with squat toilet and the other with a sink and shower. I've made up a new law like Murphy's law: the frequency of pee-ing is related to the number of toilets available. Americans go to the toilet a lot. Azerbaijanis don't – and they drink a lot of tea!

Now that I've discovered school starts at 8:30 instead of 9, I hurry to catch the marsrutka that stops at 8:25 right outside the door to our yard. It would be a 3 minute ride to school if the road were paved. Instead it is unpaved and full of holes making it the roughest, dirtiest, dustiest road around. The driver weaves from side to side making it about a 10 minute ride. After school I have to walk home that same road because the marsrutka does not travel in that direction. I endure dust being kicked up by the numerous heavy-duty trucks that use this road. I also look forward to Saturdays for a shower.

I noticed a number of changes at my school thanks to the new school director. For one thing, the teachers as well as students are not allowed to leave when school is in session. Secondly, 2 English teachers now teach primary students basic English vocabulary (colors, numbers, etc.). So today I put some decorations from the USA on that classroom wall. Then as I watched from the back of the room I noticed an abacus. What an interesting contrast, so of course I got out my camera and took today's photo of Teacher Shalala. Don't ask me about the prevalent use of Roman numerals. This territory has had many conquerors!

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