When I first arrived at Digah school in
January 2011, I had a hard time getting and deciphering the schedules
of the English teachers. But on day two of my recent return, I got schedules from 4 of the 5 teachers. Progress. Next, they argued
over which classes I would co-teach. I had to tell them that I would
primarily be observing and coaching them for the remainder of the school year.
I am pleased with what I observe. Even without the weather chart I created last year, the teachers all begin each
English class with 3 routine questions: What is the date today? What
is the weather today? What was your home task? A student comes to the
blackboard and writes the date in a standard format. Another student
quickly sketches a cloud or the sun or rain plus the word. That's
followed by another student answering the homework question. Ahh,
classroom routines help students settle down and get ready to learn.
I'm not sure who instituted English at
the primary level, but 4 of the 5 teachers now have one or two
classes each week for the youngest grades. These have been fun for
me, since I brought classroom decorations of colors, numbers and the
alphabet that are most appropriate for them. And everyone in school
will soon be able to sing, “Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes.”
My teachers understand and use pair
work so that all students now practice speaking quietly with a
partner instead of 2 students coming to the front of the classroom
while others listen. Oh what a good feeling to have the teachers use
this when I suggest a dialog from their textbook.
For myself, I feel more comfortable
introducing different ideas during classes. I've brought music to
class, wrote a short skit for 10th form boys about a car
crash, and next I'm preparing individual classes to sing a song for an
English assembly day in May sometime. I've yet to figure out how to
introduce square dancing, but I think that it is something I can get
the 7th form students to do.
All of this is to say, I'm feeling more
confident in my own skills as a teacher and leader – and I believe
that the students and teachers are enjoying these last few month together.
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